
BSc.CSIT (Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Information Technology)

Upcoming Education Events to feed your brain.



Number of Years


  • CSIT 111: English Grammar and Composition
  • CSIT 112: Information Technology Fundamentals
  • CSIT 113: Calculus and Analytical Gemometry
  • CSIT 114: Electronic Principles TH
  • CSIT 114: Electronic Principles PR
  • CSIT 115: Programming Fundamentals and C Programming

  • CSIT 121: Data Structure and Algorithms
  • CSIT 122: Digital Logic Design
  • CSIT 123: Linear Algebra
  • CSIT 124: Mechanics and Electrodynamics TH
  • CSIT 124: Mechanics and Electrodynamics PR
  • CSIT 125: Microprocessor System

  • CSIT 211: Computer Organization and Architecture
  • CSIT 212: Discrete Structures
  • CSIT 213: Introduction to Management
  • CSIT 214: Object Oriented ProgrammingWith C++
  • CSIT 215: Operating System
  • CSIT 216: Statistics and Probability

  • CSIT 221 : Applied Statistics
  • CSIT 222 : Data Communication and Network
  • CSIT 223 : Database Management System
  • CSIT 224 : Numerical Methods
  • CSIT 225:  System Analysis and Design
  • CSIT 226 : Theory of Computation

  • CSIT 311 : Design and Analysis of Algorithm
  • CSIT 312 : Artificial Intelligence
  • CSIT 313 : Compiler Design
  • CSIT 314 : Simulation and Modelling
  • CSIT 315:  Graphics and Visual Computing
  • CSIT 316 : Web Technology I

  • CSIT 321 : Introduction to Cryptography
  • CSIT 322 : Java Programming I
  • CSIT 323 : Research Methodology for Computer Science
  • CSIT 324 : Software Engineering
  • CSIT 325:  Web Technology II
  • CSIT 326 : Minor Project I

  • CSIT 411 :E-commerce
  • CSIT 412 : Advanced Java Programming
  • CSIT 413 : Object Oriented Analysis and Design
  • CSIT 414 : Minor Project II
  • CSIT 415.2 : Database Administration (Elective I)
  • CSIT 416.1 : Data Mining and Warehousing (Elective II)

  • CSIT 421 : Parallel Computing
  • CSIT 422 : Internship
  • CSIT 423.2 : Advanced Database Design (Elective III)
  • CSIT 424.2 : Distributed Database Management System (Elective IV)
  • CSIT 425.2 : E-Business and E-Governance (Elective V)